Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas.

In the most literal rendering of that phrase. "Christmas" is formed from the joining of "Christ" and "Mass". I have discovered that "Mass", as we see it most often, is not the original intent. We see Mass celebrated most prominently as the main liturgical Eucharistic celebration of the Catholic church.

What I've learned is that "Mass" is derived from the Latin word from which we get "mission" in English. Which suddenly changes the meaning of Christmas. The purpose of celebrating Christ at this time of year isn't meant as a liturgy to follow. Rather, we join him in his mission and purpose.

With that in mind, suddenly "Merry Christmas" is the equivalent of saying "May you find joy as you go out into your community and into the world, doing what Christ did and living like Christ did."


Merry Christmas!

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