Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Uncertainty of Riches

This coming Sunday, I'm preaching from 1 Timothy 6 and four words jumped off the page at me when I first read it earlier this week. Those four words are from verse 17 where there is a warning that we do not set our "hopes on the uncertainty of riches." Those four words: the uncertainty of riches.

Think it through for a second. It seems like every journalist has to place the words "in a bad economy" in every single story. It seems like that thought of the uncertainty of riches couldn't be more relevant "in a bad economy." I mean, we just spent over a decade in arguably some of the most prosperous economic times in our North American history. And, in the course of six months, all that 'certainty' and 'sure thing' collapsed.

There are things we can count on and there are things we cannot. There are things and people that will let us down but we have one certainty that will not let us down. Because the six words after "the uncertainty of riches" are "...but on God, who richly provides."

I'd write more, but I won't (after all, I still need to preach it!)