Friday, December 19, 2008

Follow-up to Last Week's Post

I had a post last week. Don't know what happened. When I logged on this morning, I saw that my most recent post was from two weeks ago. I was sure I had posted something last week. In fact, I know I did; it must have been abducted by aliens. Or maybe it's because I'm typing on a PC. If this was a Mac, the Mac would've known what I was thinking and posted it before I even sat down to type it, wouldn't it (all you Mac-ers)?

It's weird when that happens, huh? I'm going to assume that I'm not the only one who goes through stuff like that. Where you're absolutely certain that you've done something only to find out you didn't do it at all. Like, suddenly as you're wrapping Christmas gifts and you are certain there was another one but no matter where you look, it's nowhere to be found. Surely someone's been there.

I find it curious often though how we can be so confident of something that never happened. How we can be so certain that we've accomplished something when we've, in fact, done nothing.

In the book of Galatians, the Apostle Paul says that he was advancing "beyond many of my own age among my people" (Galatians 1:14) but he goes on to say that he came to realize that all this advancement was getting him nowhere and that his real accomplishments came as a result of God changing him and God working out His plan through Paul.

See, like Paul, I am realizing that nothing I do is worth any confidence or, for that matter, worth anything, unless it is God working in me and through me.

After all, apparently I can't even blog!

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