Thursday, October 23, 2008

Avoiding the Fate of the Dollar and Oil

So the latest casualties in the economic disaster currently facing North America are the Canadian dollar and oil. Both have been utterly devalued in recent weeks after breaking records only a few short months ago.

It's amazing how quickly things can lose their value, isn't it? It's not unlike when you were a kid and you really, really wanted that new toy and it was the most prized possession you had for, like, a week. And then it sat there with the rest of your devalued toys.

But we often do this, don't we? We often place inordinate amounts of attention on stuff that really doesn't last. We invest all sorts of time, effort, even money into activities, accomplishments and things. Only to find, after a while, that we didn't get out of it what we were hoping for.

Maybe we've had expectations for someone that they didn't live up to. Maybe we had high hopes for our new job and then ended up being a victim of corporate cutbacks. Or maybe we invested money in the commodity markets and now have less than half of what we had six months ago.

This sort of stuff becomes devastating when it's all we've got. And, when the value drops out of these things we esteem, we're left to wonder what we have left.

As I was preaching on Sunday, the thought occurred to me that I have been placed on this earth for a reason. And the reason is not to blend in with the world around me (if my purpose in life was to blend in, God would have made me into a chameleon instead). Rather, the reason is to make a difference and do what is good. As I live with this as my focus, I will see great return on my investment and there's no devaluation.

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